
Today is the day to reach out and lend a helping hand


Even the smallest of donations can help change a life


Become a volunteer. You’ll feel the benefits instantly


Who We Are

Child Safe Foundation exists to help every child reach their full potential. We make sure children stay safe, healthy and keep learning. We find new ways to reach children who need us most, no matter where they’re growing up.

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Battling to close the ‘Digital Divide’ gap

The “Digital divide” is the gap between those who have access to modern information and communication technology, such as the internet, and those who don’t. As many as eight million people in the UK do not use the internet and 90 per cent of them suffer from other kinds of economic or social disadvantages.

Lockdown is creating a stark digital divide in the UK, with 1.9 million households with no access to the internet and tens of millions more reliant on pay-as-you-go services to make phone calls or access healthcare, education and benefits online.

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Healthy Food For All

Nearly 1/4 children in the world today suffer permanent damage to their bodies & minds because they don’t get the nutrition they need, often due to lack of breastfeeding practices.

We’re committed to ending child deaths from hunger. Our teams provide skilled counselling, support on breastfeeding & complementary feeding, screening for malnutrition, distributing vitamin supplements & helping families improve their income.

And we’re pioneering new methods of predicting food crises so governments can take action sooner.


Combating Child Poverty

Child poverty can be devastating – and it lasts a lifetime.

Around the world, the poorest children are most at risk of disease, malnutrition and stunting. They’re more likely to miss out on school, or get a poor quality education. And there’s a greater chance they’ll suffer early marriage, physical violence or child labour.

Governments are now recognising this too. In 2015, over 160 national leaders signed up to 17 Sustainable Development Goals, targets that could end hunger, extreme poverty and preventable child deaths by 2030.

We’re campaigning tirelessly to make sure governments deliver.

Fundraising Community

We support a nationwide network of food banks and together we provide emergency food and support to people locked in poverty, and campaign for change to end the need for food banks in the UK.
In the UK, more than 14 million people are living in poverty – including 4.5 million children. We support more than 1,200 food bank centres in the UK to provide a minimum of three days’ nutritionally-balanced emergency food to people who have been referred in crisis, as well as support to help people resolve the crises they face. Between April 2019 and March 2020, food banks in our network provided a record 1.9 million food supplies to people in crisis, an 18% increase on the previous year and during the coronavirus pandemic food banks have seen need rise even further. You can find out more about the impact of our work during the pandemic in our latest report, available here.

We know it takes more than food to end hunger. That’s why we recently launched our five year strategic plan. We know our goal to end the need for food banks is ambitious, but by working Together for Change, we believe it is achievable.

Help Us Help Them

'If you want to inspire the world, first inspire yourself,`` Scooter Braun. Learn the habits and rituals that enable you to show up as your best









Fundraising Plans

Corporate sponsorships, giving from the public, and You...our volunteers!


Do you want to use your time and skills to help keep children safe? Then become a volunteer for CHILD SAFE FOUNDATION! We rely on your help to make sure we can reach more children in danger around the world.</p> <p>As a volunteer you can also learn new skills, gain experience of working with an international charity and boost your CV, build your confidence, meet new people and most importantly, have fun while making a valuable difference for children in danger around the world.

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