About Our Work

Child Safe Foundation / About Our Work

01Mission and Vision


Our vision is a world in which every child doesn’t just survive, but thrives, and can go on to change the world.


Because every child should be able to make their mark on the world, and help build a better future. Together, we fight for children every single day.


We’re people who believe in the power of children. We do whatever it takes to make sure they survive, get protection when they’re in danger, and have the chance to learn.

We are on our way to being one of the world’s leading independent children’s organisation. For the past 10+ years our priorities have been determined solely by the needs of children, not by any political, religious or commercial affiliations.

We work to make sure children survive and thrive. We change the world for children through innovative programmes, bold campaigns, independent advocacy and high-impact partnerships. We work in the UK and globally.

We change minds, change policies and raise funds by being a mass and mainstream cause.  We’re here to change things, not to spectate. We engage, inspire and give a platform to millions of people who want to be part of achieving lasting change for children.

We believe in empowering children as agents of change. We aim to be the foremost campaigning force for and with children.

02Our Projects

As well as saving lives, our emergency work also focuses on making sure the impact of conflict and disasters doesn’t stop children from having a healthy, happy future.

Often that means ensuring they have the services and infrastructure they need. In the Gambella region of Ethiopia, we’ve designed and built permanent water systems to serve 250,000 refugees. And we help communities be more resilient to future disasters, introducing technologies like drought-resistant wells and earthquake-resistant schools.

Preparing for the future also means making sure children caught up in an emergency don’t miss out on education.  From supporting early learning in child-friendly spaces to building temporary schools for older students, we ensure children of all ages can continue their development, even in a crisis.


Nutrition and life-saving food


Emergency Relief for Children

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

03How We Work

We fight for the improbable, not the impossible. We take up causes which are ambitious but achievable and where we can make a distinctive contribution.

We want to deliver world class impact for children and that level of ambition shapes our decisions. That means reaching a mass audience with our programmes, our campaigns and our fundraising. We know that scale and impact are related but not the same so we aim for quality as well as quantity in everything we do. All strategic decisions are tested against our values and their potential to deliver real change for children.

We are uncompromising in pursuing children’s interests, even in dangerous and insecure places. Only if the lives of our staff, our partners or the communities with whom we work or the continuation of our life-saving programmes are threatened will we push for change in private. Our default position is to speak out when children’s rights are violated.

We aim to be an outstanding organisation. We learn from our mistakes and hold ourselves accountable to the highest standards in how we safeguard children, raise and spend money, manage risk and engage with our supporters, donors, partners, staff and volunteers. We value the diversity, expertise and passionate commitment of our exceptional people.

We are hugely proud of what makes Child Safe Foundation unique but know we can’t change the world for children on our own.

We work with others whenever we can, forging strategic partnerships with governments, the private sector, philanthropists, the media and other organisations. We are bigger than the sum of our parts and couldn’t achieve what we do for children without the contribution of everyone who supports our work.

Leadership 0
Volunteering 0
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